What Got You Here Won’t Get You There: How successful people become even more successful


“What Got You Here Won’t Get You There” is a self-help book written by Marshall Goldsmith, a renowned executive coach and leadership expert. The book focuses on the idea that the habits and behaviors that lead to success in one’s career may not necessarily be the same ones that will lead to continued success and growth.

Goldsmith identifies 20 common workplace habits that can hold individuals back from reaching their full potential, such as the need to win at all costs, the tendency to speak when angry, and the inability to listen. He provides practical advice and strategies for overcoming these habits, including seeking feedback, apologizing when necessary, and focusing on the needs of others.

The book is written in a conversational tone and includes real-life examples and anecdotes from Goldsmith’s experience coaching executives. It is designed to be a practical guide for anyone looking to improve their leadership skills and advance in their career.

Overall, “What Got You Here Won’t Get You There” is a valuable resource for anyone looking to take their career to the next level. It offers actionable advice and insights that can help individuals identify and overcome the habits that may be holding them back from achieving their goals.

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Key Concepts:
– The book focuses on the idea that the behaviors and habits that lead to success in one’s career may not necessarily lead to continued success in higher positions.
– Goldsmith identifies 20 common workplace habits that can hold people back from reaching their full potential, such as not listening, passing judgment, and refusing to express regret.
– The book provides strategies for identifying and changing these habits, including seeking feedback, apologizing sincerely, and practicing active listening.

Applicability to Entrepreneurs:
– Entrepreneurs can benefit from the book’s focus on self-awareness and the importance of seeking feedback from others.
– The book’s strategies for changing negative habits can be applied to common entrepreneurial challenges, such as difficulty delegating tasks or communicating effectively with team members.
– The book also emphasizes the importance of building strong relationships, which is crucial for entrepreneurs who need to work closely with investors, partners, and customers.

Actionable Takeaways:
– Entrepreneurs can immediately implement the book’s advice to seek feedback from others and actively listen to their perspectives.
– The book’s strategies for apologizing sincerely and expressing gratitude can help entrepreneurs build stronger relationships with their team members and customers.
– The book’s emphasis on the importance of continuous learning and self-improvement can inspire entrepreneurs to seek out new opportunities for growth and development.

Impact on Personal Development and Business Success:
– The book can have a significant impact on an entrepreneur’s personal development by encouraging self-reflection and a willingness to change negative habits.
– By implementing the book’s strategies, entrepreneurs can improve their communication skills, build stronger relationships, and become more effective leaders.
– The book’s emphasis on continuous learning and self-improvement can also help entrepreneurs stay ahead of the curve in a rapidly changing business landscape.

Author’s Background:
– Marshall Goldsmith is a renowned executive coach and leadership expert with over 40 years of experience working with top CEOs and executives.
– Goldsmith’s expertise in personal development and leadership contributes to the book’s value by providing practical strategies and real-world examples of success.

Comparison to Similar Books:
– What Got You Here Won’t Get You There stands out from other personal development books by focusing specifically on workplace habits and behaviors.
– The book’s emphasis on seeking feedback and building strong relationships sets it apart from other books that focus solely on individual achievement.

Additional Resources:
– Marshall Goldsmith’s website offers additional resources, including articles and videos, that complement the book’s concepts